How we know he universe is probably 3-dimensional
Created | Updated Sep 5, 2002
Imagine a 2-dimensional universe, if you want to have a drink you grab a cup, which would look like a bracket to us (although the flatlander would not see the whole shape of the cup without looking at it from above). As long as the cup is in a 2-dimensional universe, it will suffice, but as soon as it travels to a 3-dimensional universe all the liquid falls out the side. Since the Flatlander cannot concieve of 3 dimensions he would be unable to create a cup usable in a 3-dimensional space. (Likewise, without a benevolent 3-dimensional guide to provide materials to "sandwich" the flatlander, it would be messy if the flatlander walked straight into the 3 dimensional universe)
Just because our innards are containd doesn't prove we're merely 3-dimensional, as we may not see the whole of our selves, but our ability to take an amorphous lump of clay and fashion a pot to contain water while only worrying about 3 dimensions (without said water leakng out) seems to prove that we're living in a "merely" 3 dimensional world.
Of course a benevolent 4th dimensional being might have put clamps around the unseen sides of our world to keep us from leaking out...