Whistler, BC, Canada

1 Conversation

Whistler is a mind-bogglingly huge ski resort nested in the Canadian Rockies. It's about a four hour drive from Vancouver. Things to do: ski, snowboard, mountain bike, eat, and drink. There are a number of wonderful restaurants if you have lots of money, and there are a few decent restaurants if you don't. One particularly interesting place to eat if you don't want to spend much money is the Mongolian Grill. Drinking you can do just about anywhere, and you are likely to find many friendly Canadians who will join you.

There are two mountains in Whistler. One is Whistler Mountain, the other is Blackcomb Mountain. They are owned and operated by the same company, Intrawest, and one ticket will get you on either mountain. Blackcomb is easier to navigate if you're just there for a quick trip, but the locals will tell you that there's more fun to be had on Whistler if you know where to go. This may be a diversion away from Blackcomb however, because there is definitely alot of fun to be had at Blackcomb.

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