
2 Conversations

The Humble chinchilla:

Chinchillas are small fury mice/rabbit/squirrel/kangaroo/mogwai like creatures found in the deep mountains of Puru, they are about the size of a guinea pig or dwarf rabbit but vary in size and colour. They are nocturnal which means they have more in common with vampires then roosters. Domestic Chinchillas like a diet of pellets, raisons, hay and ahum, Shreddies.

They are squirrel like in appearance and look astonishingly nothing like an elephant and are neither the size, shape, colour or mass of the aforementioned animal. They have ears which this researcher believes are originated from Mogwais, although this is yet to be proven this researcher also believes in Santa Clause. The tail is long and bushy and is made out of thousands of tiny sensitive hairs which the Chinchilla uses to keep it's balance.

They are extraordinary athletic rodents and can reach a speed of up to 10 miles per hour. They have a set of large incisors and a fine set of smaller teeth at the back of the throat.
Despite people thinking they are a threat or maybe even a nuisance Chinchillas tend to be placid and playful they are often highly energetic and timid.


A Chinchilla's litter rarely rears 3 offspring a year. And since they are hunted {like a fellow researcher has pointed out} to the point of extinction they are protected under law in the UK as pets.

As for raisons:

It is true what they say about raisons and Chinchillas, it is like a magnet to them they cannot resist. They need the raison and will jump to any new highs to get it. It's like heroin to a chinchilla without that slow er death so in that respect nothing like heroin. However it is addictive and too many can make them poop a lot.

"That little bugger bit me!" :

I have found that my chinchillas have never bitten me they have placed there teeth around my fingers from time to time but never drawing blood. However, they can be aggressive thugs from time to time.

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