Cancer a must read.
Created | Updated Aug 25, 2002
This is my first "Guide" entry. That being said, there wont be any frills or anything. So let's get to it.
I have a few things to say about Cancer. There I said it, the dreaded "C" word. Why is that when a person gets diagnosed with this dangerous and deadly disease, that almost instantaniously people start to shun them? Especially in the case of Breast cancer, prostate, colon, ovarian and cervical cancers there is a severe social stigma. If a guy "contracts" Colon cancer, he is automatically assumed to be gay, if he has testicular or prostate cancer, he is assumed to have masterbated one too many times.
For most men, this is damaging, but consider the woman's point of view if you will. Ovarian, cervical and breast cancers strike to the very heart of her sexuality. More than that, society views these women as leading lives of promiscuity, whether they do or not. Are we as people so barbarous as to beleive that cancers and other deadly diseases are some type of godly punishment? Oh, wait, we are, sorry I forgot about that incident with the pope, when he said something along the lines of "...AIDS is the punishment of God on sinners..."
So here we are, Cancer, I personally do not have Cancer, although some-one very close to my heart does. Personally, she is the single-most wonderful woman I have ever met. This article is not in response to another, it from the way I see people around her flee. I even though I write this, I try to remain objectified, yet that seems impossible. So here are a few facts I have gathered from "The National Cancer Association"
The list of definitions is important so that one can follow the rest of the article.
A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control. Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and can spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body.
An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue.
A small division of a Lobe.
A portion of an organ such as liver, lung, breast, thyroid, or brain.
I realise that these definitions are very general. But the one thing that I noticed is that 1, Cancer is a genetic disease. It is not caused by being in proximity with someone who has it. Ie, it is not a contagion. 2, It is not a punishment of deific porportions, it is a disease. 3, Cancer patients are in a lot of pain, and that pain is multiplied by the sense of loss that comes when a supposed friend leaves them when they find out they have the disease. 3, One cannot get cancer by having a promiscuious lifestyle or not.
So please let's dispell the fear and myth.
I have heard the following statement. The statement will be followed by definitions.
"Cervical, Breast, and Ovarian Cancer is caused by being a whore."
Relating to the neck, or to the neck of any organ or structure. Cervical lymph nodes are located in the neck; Cervical cancer refers to cancer of the utreine cervix, which is the narrow end of the ("neck") uterus.
Breast Cancer in Situ:
Abnormal cells that are confined to the ducts or lobules in the breast. There are two forms, called "Ductal carcinoma in situ" (DCIS)and "Lobular carcinoma in situ" (LCIS)
Ovarian Epithelial Cancer:
Cancer that occurs in the cells lining the ovaries.
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia:
(CIN) A general term for the growth of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. Numbers 1 through 3 may be used to describe how much of the cervix contains abnormal cells.
Well, There it is, I have much more in the way of notes and definitions, but the point is cancer can strike anyone at any time. and hopefully those who have read this have learned that cancer patients don't necisarilly want your pity, or sympathy, but they do NOT deserve your contempt. Cancer is scary, wicked, and evil, and indiscriminate. Think about it.
Be Well All,