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Houston, Texas, USA, Earth, is a large city situated near the coast of an extremely dirty body of water.

The residents of this city have a fairly relaxed attitude towards life. This may be due in part to the tremendous heat and humidity which has probably caused advanced brain damage. It may be also contributed to the high mosquito-to-human ratio which is present throughout the area.

Due to the heat and humidity, Houston appears to be in the process of enclosing itself in a series of gigantic air-conditioned domes. Almost every dwelling larger than a shoebox has already been fitted with an air conditioning system of some kind.

Huge, constantly-under-construction freeways will lead in and out of these domes.

The local government, when not involved in bribery, corruption or civil rights abuse, works hard to construct specially air-conditioned domes for the local sports franchises.

For recreation, many Houstonians visit nearby Galveston, which is an island in the aforementioned extremely dirty body of water.

Others visit one of the local restaurants, which are extremely good -- almost good enough to make one forget the heat, mosquitoes, dirty water, congested roadways and corrupt politicians.

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