As an ex/occasionnal resident of the Spalding area I feel it is about time Spalding got a mention. On the historical and geographical side, its a market town in the Fens in South Lincolshire in the area known as South Holland. This is due to its resmblance to Holland (Netherlands) as a lot of the land has been reclaimed from the sea. Hence, they are many dykes to drain the fields and it is VERY flat. A lot lies below sea-level. This means that you can see some of the most spectacular sun sets and sun rises with views of the entire sky. Then at night you get wonderful views of the sky with relatively little light pollution. Some people find the space too much but having lived there all my life I and feel closed in when I go anywhere else. As a consequence of the land being reclaimed from the sea, it is very fertile and ideal for arable farming which is what most of the land in the area is used for. Farmers grow veg and some fruit in vast quantities which are then transported into the food factories like Geest and Smedleys and turned into Pizzas, sandwiches etc etc. Students can get jobs "working on the line" in the factories but its pretty horrible work and it is beyond me how some of the regular workers can stay there for eyars and years. Each to their own I suppose...those peolpe born in Lincolnshire are called "yellow bellies", and I have no idea why. Spalding itself is a small town. Its pretty good for people with families and young kids but once the kids reach about 13 it all starts to go down hill. Once they start to socialise, most kids and I mean kids, will be found hanging around the punchbowl which is a youth club...sorry pub decorated in disgusting neon signs and tacky paint. Bring back Nora! There are several other pubs in the town which stay open until 11 and then the only two other places to go are The Granary and Merlins. The Granary is a sweaty hole, great for cutting about a year off your life through passive smoking and Merlins is a haunt for all the has-beens or wannabees in Spalding plus those trying to resurrect a good night out. BUT although its venues are, to be honest, s**t, you can still have a good night out with friends. The Poacher is good, as is the White Horse or The Bull. Spalding is calling out for a late bar but Im not sure it would ever work as the closest thing that came near it, The Bass House, is now full of old men on a Saturday night. To have the best fun in Spalding I suggest you go out with a bunch of mates, enjoy that in a pub, then go out to someone's house and carry on the night there. There are many more things to talk about but someone else can have a go. Come on Spaldonians, put it on the map.
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