'Full' booklist of John Creasey books
Created | Updated Aug 17, 2002
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1938 - Introducing the Toff
1939 - The Toff Steps Out
1939 - The Toff Goes On
1940 - The Toff Breaks In
1940 1967 Here Comes the Toff
1941 1971 Salute the Toff
1941 1968 The Toff Proceeds
1942 1973 The Toff is Back
1942 1967 The Toff Goes to Market
1943 1974 Accuse the Toff
1943 1975 The Toff Among the Millions
1944 1967 The Toff & the Great Illusion
1944 1969 The Toff & the Curate The Toff & the
Deadly Parson
1945 1970 Feathers for the Toff
1946 *** The Toff & the Lady
1947 1971 Hammer the Toff
1947 1965 The Toff on Ice Poison for the Toff*
1948 1972 The Toff Takes Shares
1948 *** The Toff in Town
1949 1970 The Toff and Old Harry
1949 1973 The Toff on Board
1950 1966 Kill the Toff
1950 1966 Fool the Toff
1951 1966 The Toff Goes Gay A Mask for the Toff
1951 1964 A Knife for the Toff*
1952 1969 Hunt the Toff
1953 1969 Call the Toff
1953 1969 The Toff Down Under
1954 *** The Toff at Butlins
1954 1968 The Toff at the Fair
1955 1972 A Six for the Toff
1955 1967 The Toff & the Deep Blue Sea
1956 1967 Make-up for the Toff
1956 1964 The Toff in New York*
1957 1966 The Toff on Fire
1957 1965 Model for the Toff*
1958 1965 The Toff & the Stolen Tresses
1958 1964 The Toff on the Farm
1959 1964 The Toff & the Runaway Bride
1959 1965 Double for the Toff
1960 1965 The Toff & the Kidnapped Child
1960 1964 A Rocket for the Toff*
1961 1967 Follow the Toff
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1962 1968 The Toff and the Teds The Toff and the Toughs
1963 1965 Leave it to the Toff*
1964 1965 A Doll for the Toff
1965 1966 The Toff and the Spider
1966 1966 The Toff in Wax
1967 1968 A Bundle for the Toff
1968 1968 Stars for the Toff
1969 1969 The Toff & the Golden Boy
1970 1970 The Toff & the Fallen Angels
1971 1971 Vote for the Toff
1972 1972 The Toff & the T-T-Triplets
1973 1973 The Toff & the Terrified Taxman
1974 1974 The Toff & the Sleepy Cowboy
1975 1975 The Toff & the Crooked Copper
* Until 1973 paperback only in USA
** Change of title for USA paperback only
*** Publication in US planned by Walker
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1942 1972 Inspector West Takes Charge
1943 1972 Inspector West Leaves Getaway for
Town* Inspector West
1944 1973 Inspector West at Home
1945 1970 Inspector West Regrets*
1946 1971 Holiday for Inspector West*
1948 1958 Triumph for Inspector West The Case Against Paul Raeburn
1948 1972 Battle for Inspector West*
1949 1972 Inspector West Kicks Off Sport for
Inspector West*
1950 1953 Inspector West Cries Wolf The Creepers
1950 1974 Inspector West Alone
1951 1967 Puzzle for Inspector West The Dissemblers
1952 1952 A Case for Inspector West The Figure in the Dusk
1952 1954 Inspector West at Bay The Blind Spot
1953 1975 Send Inspector West*
1953 1954 A Gun for Inspector West Give a Man a Gun
1954 1956 A Beauty for Inspector West The Beauty Queen Killer
1955 1956 Inspector West makes Haste The Gelignite Gang
1955 1060 Two for Inspector West Murder -
One, Two, Three
1956 1960 A Prince for Inspector West Death of an Assassin
1956 1957 Parcels for Inspector West Death of a Postman
1957 1959 Accident for Inspector West Hit and Run
1957 1959 Find Inspector West The Trouble at Saxby's
1958 1961 Strike for Death The Killing Strike
1958 1961 Murder, London-New York
1959 1962 Death of a Race Horse
1959 1966 The Case of the Innocent Victims
1960 1963 Murder on the Line
1961 1963 The Scene of the Crime
1961 1962 Death in Cold Print
1962 1964 Policeman's Dread
1963 1963 Hang the Little Man
1964 1965 Look Three Ways at Murder
1965 1965 Murder - London/Australia
1966 1966 Murder - London/South Africa
1967 1967 The Executioners
1968 1968 So Young to Burn
1969 1969 Murder - London/Miami
1970 1970 A Part for a Policeman
1971 1971 Alibi?
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1972 1972 A Splinter of Glass
1973 1973 The Theft of Magna Carta
1974 1974 The Extortioners
1975 1975 A Sharp Rise in Crime
* Paperback only in USA
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1932 - The Death Miser
1933 - Redhead
1934 1972 First Came a Murder*
1935 1972 Death Round the Corner*
1935 1972 The Mark of the Crescent*
1936 1972 Thunder in Europe*
1936 1972 The Terror Trap*
1937 1972 Carriers of Death*
1937 1972 Days of Danger*
1938 1972 Death Stands By*
1938 1972 Menace*
1939 1972 Murder Must Wait*
1939 1972 Panic*
1940 1972 Death by Night*
1941 - The Island of Peril
1941 - Sabotage
1942 - Go Away Death
1942 - The Day of Disaster
1943 - Prepare for Action
1943 - No Darker Crime
1944 - Dark Peril
1945 - The Peril Ahead
1947 - The League of Dark Men
1949 - The Department of Death
1950 - The Enemy Within
1951 - Dead or Alive
1954 - A Kind of Prisoner
1957 - The Black Spiders
* Paperback only in USA from Popular Library who have options on the other titles in this series.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1942 1970 Traitor's Doom
1943 1972 The Perilous Country
1943 1974 The Legion of the Lost
1944 1973 Dangerous Quest
1945 - The Hounds of Vengeance
1945 - Death in the Rising Sun
1946 - Shadow of Doom
1947 - The House of the Bears
1947 - Sons of Satan
1948 - Dark Harvest
1948 - The Wings of Peace
1949 - The Dawn of Darkness
1949 - The League of Light
1950 - The Man Who Shook the World
1951 - The Prophet of Fire
1952 1971 The Children of Hate* The Killers of Innocence
1954 1969 The Touch of Death
1955 - The Mists of Fear
1956 1969 The Flood
1958 1968 The Plague of Silence
1959 1967 The Drought
1962 1966 The Terror
1963 1967 The Depths
1964 1968 The Sleep
1965 1966 The Inferno
1966 1968 The Famine
1967 1968 The Blight
1968 1970 The Oasis
1970 1971 The Smog
1971 1972 The Unbegotten
1972 1973 The Insulators
1973 1974 The Voiceless Ones
1974 1975 The Thunder-Makers
1975 - The Whirlwind
* Changed for paperback reprint in England to The Children of Despair.
All the titles in this series are due for US publication.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1955 1955 Gideon's Day
1956 1956 Gideon's Week
1957 1957 Gideon's Night
1958 1958 Gideon's Month
1959 1959 Gideon's Staff
1960 1960 Gideon's Risk
1961 1961 Gideon's Fire
1962 1962 Gideon's March
1963 1963 Gideon's Ride
1964 1964 Gideon's Vote
1965 1965 Gideon's Lot
1966 1966 Gideon's Badge
1967 1967 Gideon's Wrath
1968 1968 Gideon's River
1969 1969 Gideon's Power
1970 1970 Gideon's Sport
1971 1971 Gideon's Art
1972 1972 Gideon's Men
1973 1973 Gideon's Press
1974 1974 Gideon's Fog
1975 1975 Gideon's Buy
The Gideon Omnibus, containing Day, Night and Week, was published in England in 1964. Gideon at Work, containing the same titles, was published by the Mystery Guild in 1961.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1937 - Three for Adventure
1937 - Four Find Danger
1938 - Two Meet Trouble
1940 - Heir to Murder
1940 - Murder Comes Home
1941 - Who Saw Him Die?
1941 - Murder by the Way
1942 - Foul Play Suspected***
1942 - Who Died at the Grange?
1943 - Five to Kill
1943 - Murder at King's Kitchen
1944 - Who Said Murder?
1945 - Crime With Many Voices***
1945 - No Crime More Cruel***
1946 - Murder Makes Murder
1947 - Mystery Motive***
1947 1972 First a Murder***
1948 - Lend a Hand to Murder
1948 - No End to Danger
1949 - Who Killed Rebecca?
1949 - The Dying Witnesses
1950 - Murder Weekend
1950 - Dine with Murder
1951 - Quarrel with Murder
1952 1972 Take a Body
1955 1972 Lame Dog Murder
1953 1972 Murder in the Stars
1953 1972 Man on the Run
1954 1971 Out of the Shadows
1954 1971 Death Out of Darkness
***These titles have been revised and the character of Supintendent Folly has been written in. British paperbacks and library reprints after 1970 are as by Jeremy York. All US editions are by John Creasey as Jeremy York.
Where no date is given, US publication as 'Vintage Creaseys' is planned by World, following revision by the author.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1955 1957 Cat and Mouse Hilda Takes Heed
1955 - Murder at End House
1957 1971 Runaway
1957 1959 Death of a Stranger Come Here and Die
1958 - Murder Assured
1959 1960 Missing from Home Missing
1959 1962 Thicker than Water
1960 1961 How Many to Kill The Girl in the
Leopard Skin Bag
1960 1962 Go Ahead with Murder Two for the Money
1961 1963 The Man I Killed
1961 1963 The Edge of Terror
1962 - Hate to Kill
1963 1968 The Quiet Fear
1964 - Guilt of Innocence
*** These titles have been revised and the character of Supintendent Folly has been written in. British paperbacks and library reprints after 1970 are as by Jeremy York. All US editions are by John Creasey as Jeremy York.
Where no date is given, US publication as 'Vintage Creaseys' is planned by World, following revision by the author.
All above titles published in USA by Jeremy York
1965 1965 Cunning as a Fox
1966 1966 Wicked as the Devil
1967 1967 Sly as a Serpent
1968 1968 Cruel as a Cat
1969 1969 Too Good to be True
1970 1971 A Period of Evil
1971 1972 As Lonely as the Damned
1972 1972 As Empty as Hate
1973 1973 As Merry as Hell
1974 1974 This Man Did I Kill?
1975 1975 The Man Who Was Not Himself
All published in USA as by Kyle Hunt.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1937 1937 Meet the Baron The Man in the Blue Mask
1937 1937 The Baron Returns Blue Mask Returns
1938 1938 The Baron at Bay Blue Mask at Bay
1938 1938 The Baron Again Blue Mask Again
1939 1939 Alias the Baron Alias Blue Mask
1939 1939 The Baron at Large Blue Mask at Large
1949 1949 Versus the Baron Versus Blue Mask
1940 1940 Calll for the Baron
1943 - The Baron Comes Back
1945 1949 A Case for the Baron
1945 - Reward for the Baon
1946 1950 Career for the Baron
1947 1950 The Baron and the Beggar
1948 1949 A Rope for the Baron
1949 1951 Blame the Baron
1949 1949 Books for the Baron
1950 1970 Cry for the Baron
1950 1971 Trap the Baron
1951 - Shadow the Baron
1951 - Attack the Baron
1952 - Warn the Baron
1953 - The Baron Goes East
1953 1974 Danger for the Baron
1953 - The Baron in France
1954 1973 The Baron Goes Fast
1954 1961 Nest Egg for the Baron Deaf, Dumb and Blonde
1955 - Help the Baron
1956 - Hide the Baron
1957 1961 Frame the Baron The Double Frame
1958 1960 Red-Eye for the Baron Blood Red
1959 1962 Black for the Baron If Anything Happened
to Hester
1960 1972 Salute the Baron
1961 1967 A Branch for the Baron
1962 1967 Bad for the Baron The Baron and the
Stolen Legacy
1963 1966 A Sword for the Baron The Baron and the
Mogul Sword
1964 1968 The Baron on Board
1965 1969 The Baron & the Chinese Puzzle
1966 1969 Sport for the Baron
1967 1968 Affair for the Baron
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1968 1969 The Baron and the Missing
Old Masters
1969 1970 The Baron and the Unfinished
1970 1971 Last Laugh for the Baron
1971 1972 The Baron Goes a-Buying
1972 1973 The Baron and the Arrogant
1973 1974 Burgle the Baron
1974 1975 The Baron - Kingmaker
1975 - Love for the Baron
Where no date is given, US publication is likely by Walker after author's revision.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1939 - The Speaker
1939 - Death on Demand
1940 - Terror by Day
1940 - Secret Murder
1941 - 'Ware Danger
1941 - Murder Most Foul
1942 - There Goes Death
1942 - Death in High Places
1943 - Death in Flames
1943 - Two Men Missing
1944 - Rogues Rampant
1945 - Death on the Move
1946 - Invitation to Adventure
1946 - Here is Danger
1947 - Give Me Murder
1947 - Murder Too Late
1948 - Engagement with Death
1948 - Dark Mystery
1949 - A Puzzle in Pearls
1949 - Kill or Be Killed
1951 - The Dark Circle
1950 - Murder with Mushrooms
1951 - Death in Diamonds
1952 - Missing or Dead?
1952 - Death in a Hurry
1953 - Sleepy Death
1953 1954 The Long Search Drop Dead
1954 - Death in the Trees
1954 1969 Double for Death
1955 1971 The Kidnapped Child*
1956 - Day of Fear
1957 1972 Wait for Death
1958 1959 Come Home to Death The Pack of Lies
1959 - Elope to Death
1960 1960 Don't Let Him Kill The Man Who Laughed
at Murder
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1961 1960 The Crime Haters
1962 1961 Rogues' Ransom
1963 1968 Death from Below
1964 - The Big Call
1965 1964 A Promise of Diamonds
1966 1966 A Taste of Treasure
1967 1969 A Clutch of Coppers
1968 - A Shadow of Death
1969 1970 A Scream of Murder
1970 1971 A Nest of Traitors
1971 1972 A Rabble of Rebels
1972 - A Life for a Death
1973 - A Herald of Doom
1974 - A Blast of Trumpets
1975 - A Plague of Demons
* Changed for paperback reprint in England to The Snatch.
Where no date is given, US publication is likely by Holt, Rinehart and Winston after author's revision.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1942 - By Persons Unknown
1943 - Murder Unseen***
1943 - No Alibi
1945 - Yesterday's Murder
1945 - Murder in the Family
1946 1969 Murder Came Late
1946 1967 Find the Body )
1947 1970 Run Away to Murder )
1948 1972 Close the Door on Murder ) Folly Series
1948 1973 Let's Kill Uncle Lionel )
1949 1973 The Gallows Are Waiting )
1947 1972 First a Murder* )
1950 1964 Sentence of Death
1950 1966 Death to my Killer
1952 - Voyage with Murder
1953 - Safari with Fear
1955 1957 So Soon to Die
1956 1958 Seeds of Murder
1956 1958 Sight of Death
1958 1959 My Brother's Killer
1959 1960 Hide and Kill
1960 1965 To Kill or to Die
* This title was originally published in England as by Michael Halliday, a pen- name never used in the USA.
*** Superintendent Folly to be written in the UK reprint and USA publication likely to be by McKay.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1939 - Secret Errand )
1939 - Dangerous Journey )
1940 - Unknown Mission ) Bruce Murdoch Series
1940 - The Withered Man )
1941 - I Am the Withered Man)
1942 - Where is the Withered Man?
1943 - Return to Adventure )
1944 - Gateway to Escape ) The Liberator Series
1945 - Come Home to Crime )
1946 - Play for Murder
1946 - The Silent House
1948 - Why Murder?
1948 - Intent to Murder
1949 - The Man I Didn't Kill
1950 - No Hurry to Kill
1951 - Double for Murder
1952 - Look at Murder
1952 - Golden Death
1953 - Murder Ahead
1954 - Incense of Death
1954 - Death in the Spanish Sun
Many of these titles are likely to be published in the US by McKay, after author's revision.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1937 - Stand By for Murder
1937 - Murder Manor
1938 - Three Days Terror
1938 - The Circle of Justice
1939 - The Crime Syndicate
1939 - Murder in the Highlands
1940 - Death Looks On
1949 - Policeman's Triumph
1950 - Thief in the Night
1953 - No Escape From Murder
1954 - The Crooked Killer
1954 - The Charity Murders
Some of these titles are likely to be published in the US by World, after author's revision.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1932 - Seven Times Seven**
1933 - Men, Maids and Murder
(John Creasey)
1943 - Mr Quentin Investigates
1944 - Introducing Mr Brandon
(Anthony Morton)
1955 - The Man Who Stayed Alive
1956 1957 No Need to Die You've Bet Your Life*
(Gordon Ashe)
1957 1956 Kill Once, Kill Twice
1958 1957 Kill a Wicked Man
1959 1958 Kill My Love
1960 1960 To Kill a Killer
(Kyle Hunt)
1947 - Keys to Crime
1948 - Vote for Murder
1954 - Adrian and Jonathan - A Novel
(Richard Martin)
1960 - The Mountain of the Blind
1961 - The Foothills of Fear
(John Creasey)
* Paperback change in the USA only.
** The first ever published book by John Creasey.
First British First US
Edition Edition Original Title US Title if Changed
1937 - Two Gun Girl
1938 - Rustler's Range
1938 - Gunsmoke Range
1939 - The Shooting Sheriff
1939 - Gunshot Mesa
1940 - Death Canyon
1940 - Masked Riders
1942 - Guns on the Range
1942 - Outlaw Hollow
1943 - Range Justice
1948 - Hidden Range
1947 - Forgotten Range
1947 - Trigger Justice
1949 - Lynch Hollow
1939 - Range War
1939 - Two Gun Texan
1940 - Gun Feud
1940 - Stolen Range
1941 - War on Lazy K
1941 - Outlaw's Vengeance
1942 - Guns Over Blue Lake
1943 - Riders of Dry Gulch
1944 - Long John Rides the Range
1945 - Miracle Range
1946 - Secret of the Range
1949 - Outlaw Guns
1953 - Range Vengeance
1938 - One Shot Marriott
1939 - Roaring Guns
Seven of these were sold to Hillman about 1948/50. No records are available.