Hugh Cook and The Chronicals of an Age of Darkness

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Hugh Cook was, until recently, a very elusive man to find anything about. Between the mid-eighties and the mid-ninties he wrote a series of books - The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness - an incredible journey through an incredible world.


Hugh Cook

Hugh Cook

Chronicles of an Age of Darkness

The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness are a decology1 set in varying places on a world at about the same time. Though they can be read as a set, they are all stand alone, as well. To get the most out of them it is worth reading them all. They are the only Hugh Cook major works available and not commonley available2


Back, even before time immemorial, the world was one of many in this slightly improbable universe connected together and part of the Golden Gulag. The Golden

Gulag was part of The Nexus. The Nexus was a confederation of a number of different universes all coming together for trade and protection. Eventually the

Golden Gulag was cut off from the rest of The Nexus3. The resultant chaos returned this

world to barbarism. This may or may not have been The Days of Wrath. Many years after this the savages again climbed the slippery pole of civilisation and

produced the Technical Renaissance, which seems to have imploded under its own weight, again plunging the world into barbarity and war. This may have been

the Days of Wrath.

Following the resultant period of barbarity Wizardry came to the fore, and the Confederation of Wizards ruled. However during their travels they disturbed

The Swarms, and just over 5000 years ago the world was once again plunged into war, the Wizards versus the giant insect Swarms. The main continent was split

in two and the wizards power put much into decline. In the resultant vacuum small states arose, each politely circling and snapping at each other, each with

their own victories and woes. Now a new empire is rising, from The Cold North comes an army ready to take all-comers. It is about now that the Chronicals begin.

The Wizards and the Warriors

The 'first' book in the series, and what could have been a standard fantasy is shown to be much more with the gritty reality that is shown throughout his


The Wordsmiths and the Warguild

The Woman and the Warlords

The Walrus and the Warwolf

The WIcked and the Witless

The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers

The Wazir and the Witch

The Werewolf and the Wormlord

The Worshippers and the Way

The Witchlord and the Weaponmaster



1A ten book series2You will not find them in the high street book shops.3Or maybe The Nexus was destroyed - who knows.

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