Making the Most of Ocean City, New Jersey USA

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A beach

Have you ever went on holiday, just to become bored a few days later? Or have you wanted to go somewhere fun for holiday, but don't know where to go? Ocean City is a great place to go…if you know what to do there. Here are some tips for keeping your holiday there fun. Enjoy your stay!

In the city

Walk down Asbury Road- this is one of the places to shop. Most of the shops are in-between fifth and twelth streets, which you can get to by walking or taking the trolley. One of the best clothing shops1 is on Asbury, accompanied by smaller shops that sell everything else. Restaurants and café's are mainly located from eleventh street and up, but there are a few mixed in with the other shops. Hint: if you are staying far away from Asbury, try to take the trolley there instead of driving. You'll have to pay a little, but you won't endure the frustration of finding a parking space!

Count how many parking meters have expired - from the boardwalk to your house. Then scold the people for trying to get away with parking without paying for it. Or, be generous: fill up the meter with quarters so when they come back, they find they still have time. It is always good to be nice.

Have a parking space party - what's the use of learning how to parallel park if there is no space to do it in? When you find a space in front of the house you are staying in, get your family, a few chairs, and a good book. Invade the space to wait for a family member to come park in it. If people in cars see you sitting down in it, they will figure out that you aren't budging…eventually. Just be patient.

On the Boardwalk

Rent a surrey - and terrorize the walkers! Depending on where you go, surrey's can cost anything between 10 to 20 dollars an hour. You're only allowed to ride on the boardwalk between fifth and twelth streets, but you can do as many laps as you want or stop and shop. Surreys come in two, four, or six seaters; but the price is the same for each. Surrey's have special lanes on the boardwalk, so try to stay in them! Feel free to use your bell (or voice) if people are in your lane. After all, that's what they are there for!

Go to Kohr Bro's for ice cream - the best ice cream around. It is all soft serve, so beware of getting a cone. They have twists and regular flavors, along with the regular toppings. Some flavors that are heard to be good: Mint Julep/Chocolate twist, Coffee, Peanut butter/Chocolate twist, and of course, Vanilla/Chocolate twist. It's guaranteed that there will be a long line, but don't let that scare you off. It is definitely worth the wait.

Cross the width of the boardwalk - while this may not sound very hard, try it on a weekend around 9pm. It's harder than it seems! Ocean City's boardwalk would not be the same if there weren't people trying to shove each other out of their way. Extra points to those who can do it consecutive times without slowing a bit2.

Check out Flander's hotel - this may not seem important to those of you who haven't been around to see pre-'Castaway Cove3' Flander's, but to those of you who were, it's a huge change. No more huge space! No more swimming pool! Come have a look-see, and find out what's left.

Go watch taffy being made at Shriver's - yup, Shriver's is still in business. Every wonder how they get salt-water taffy in those little twisty packages? Go on down there when they're making/wrapping it and find out. If you stay put long enough, you might be able to see the whole process. Then go buy yourself a box and enjoy.


Eat a sandwich - you haven't truly been seaside until you eat a sandwich with sand in it. Don't drop it, just stand in a windy place and hold it out for a minute. And watch those seagulls - those pesky buggers will take the whole sandwich out of your hands if you're not careful.

Be the farthest person out in the ocean - at least once. This is one of those unspoken of contests where people go out farther and farther to see who can be the farthest one out without being called in. Or, if the people around you don't know about it, it's nice to be the farthest one out and look in at everyone. Try it, you'll see what I mean.

Dig for small clams - this is just something that occupies your time, but is kind of fun anyway. Clams are everywhere down by the water's edge. See how many you can collect in one sitting. Live ones, please. You can just collect the shells, but it's more fun to collect live clams and watch them crawl back in the sand when you put them down.

Build a sand sculpture - a fun way to use your creativity. Make it as big or small as you want. Hint: the larger it is, the more people will notice it! Feel free to do whatever you feel like. Half the fun is seeing people's reactions to your mermaid being eaten by a clam.

1 The referred to clothing shop is the B & B - nice clothes at good prices.2 Disclaimer: If you get hurt, it's not my fault! Be careful!3 Castaway Cove is a small amusement park down by 10th and Boardwalk. In order to expand, it bought some land from Flander's hotel, tore down whatever was there, and put rides in its place.

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