Local Elections 2011

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On May 5th 2011, 279 local councils across England (with the exception of London) will be holding elections. Some of these councils will elect a proportion of their members, some will be holding all out elections. After the last round of local elections (held on the same day as the 2010 general election), the state of the parties were as follows:

Conservatives 6,792 councillors controlling 158 councils
Labour 2,946 councillors controlling 30 councils
Liberal Democrats 2,807 councillors controlling 22 councils
Independents 908 councillors controlling 3 councils
Residents 103 councillors controlling 1 council

and of the parties not controlling any councils

Green Party 87 councillors
British National Party 20 councillors
Liberal Party 16 councillors
United Kingdom Independence Party 10 councillors
Respect 4 councillors
Socialist Party 1 councillor

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