The third worst job.

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That "The worst job I have ever done" followed by the riposte, "The worst job I have ever done", has/have already been thoroughly discussed, chewed over and debated in their ribald way by Derek & Clive, all that is left for me is the (possibly) third worst job.
Any man who uses a urinal may have noticed the type that have no handle for flushing. This is not due to the fact that the handles are considered as un-used, non-essentials but because technology has come to the aid of lazy blokes and the poor toilet cleaners.
Look closely at the wall above the urine receptacle instead of the ceiling or the bloke next to you and you will notice two glass lens-like windows.
This must be the third worst job, looking through these windows at all these beer bellied urinators and flushing their bodily excretions away! The only possible job satisfaction is of course, practicing the nack of wetting their suede shoes for them before they have had time to zip up.
So that's my pennies worth I've spent.

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