Dungeons & Dragons

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Anybody like the RPG Dungeons and Dragons? Anyone?? Thought not!? Everyone messes about saying its rubbish when they haven't even played it!! Anyway, it's a pretty good game and quite easy to play. One person is the dungeon master and they control the monsters trying to get rid of the players you need at least 3 players to play. Basicly you are exploring dungeons trying to get treasure and help people out to get cash. When you kill a monster you get experience and grow new levels. You start off with one or two players depending on how many people are playing. Each player has different abilities depending on which type of player you are there are two figters, two clerics, two rogues and two wizards <wizard>. Clerics and rogues can cast spells, fighters have good attack and defence and rogues can pick locks and disable traps. You have basic skills like listening to doors and searching for traps. There are many types of monsters like goblins and hobgoblins. There are special monsters that there are only one of like the displacer beast and the red dragon. Some characters are wizards and rouges that you have to talk to so you can get them to join your party for a limited time or give clerics new spells<magic>.Basicly you are a band of heros who kick monster butt!

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