True Job Satisfaction

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I've started

Taken in the context within which it was popularised the simple statement "Ive started so I'll finish" is very easy to implement.
It means exactly what it says. - I have started so I will finish.
The first part is simple and as implied has already taken place. No problem.

Things are somewhat different with the second part. It requires an action .

Again taken in its original context the action is easy. No Problem.
Taken out of context , the second "so I'll finish" can often prove to be an extemely difficult. thing to do.

We enter a whole new ball game if the statement is moved forward in time to become "I'll start and I'll finish" . The dilemma of "where to start ?" overcomes the dilemma of "where to finish ?" and replaces it with a new dilemma "I've started now how do I finish ?" This is the situation that we have arrived at in the development of this particular theme.. smiley - smiley

So I'll finish

True job satisfaction is at it's highest when the job involves activities that introduce the dilemmas.

  • 1 - How do I start ?
  • 2 - Having started how do I finish

  • Activities where you are faced figuratively or literally with a BLANK SHEET.

    Jobs that involve one or all of such activities as : Inspiration : Innovation : Creativity and Design which in turn, more often than not, present the two dilemmas.

    The degree to which these activities are involved in the job sets the degree of job satisfaction that the job provides. It goes without saying that the degree of success or failure in handling these two dilemmas is also critical. Failure leads to frustration and yet another dilemma. Enough's enough.. smiley - huh

    Author's note: Job satistaction is a reward. Financial reward should (Using a medical analogy )be considered as a hygene factor. ie. something that improves the environment in which true job satisfaction is achieved. The dilemma of choosing between Financial reward and true job satisfaction needs to be the subject of another Guide Entry.

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