
3 Conversations

This is the overwhelming trend for otherwise sensible countries to suddenly give up public services like a National Health Service and rail network in order to make money they don't need.
The first sign of a country's impending americanisation is a war or other such dramatic event. This is usually followed by the sudden springing up of McDonalds in cities in the country. There are many theories about this at this time. A popular one at the Sirius B University is that the McDonalds exist as spores in the ground that sense the arrival of capitalism and promptly flower. The same professors also postulate that the food is produced in a similar fashion.
After the Burger Bar phase a country promptly becomes a dependant on America and slides into a decline that it will never recover from. Many people have speculated on whether a secret body is in charge of this phenonemon. This group is often called G8 in hushed tones over beers in pubs.

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