Mostly Charmless...

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I want to teach the world humility. After all I am better than all of you. Seriously though, how many people do you know that don't have their heads lodged firmly between their own buttocks. Let's create a new kind of religion on the net. Not one centered around money, property, soul ownership (I never said puns weren't welcome). But one where the primary objective is for the members of this planet( not just the rich ones, the educated ones, the lucky ones) to get together (the internet is the perfect vehicle for this, a collection of thoughts from all over the world, how much more powerful can that be!) and just appreciate each other. We are all the same. The same pain, the same fear, the same fate in the hands of a few men with too much power. Perhaps that guy nailed to a tree all those years ago was right. Because of the internet, the meek really might inherit the earth.

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