The Wildhearts

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The Wildhearts were a band who influenced almost all of todays British heavy rock bands, such as Three Colours Red. They were formed when Ginger got bored of playing other people's music and decided he could do better on his own. They released their first E.P. "Mondo Akimbo A-go-go" in 1992, and followed it with the "Don't Be Happy... Just Worry" mini album. Their first full length release, "Earth Vs. The Wildhearts" was given rave reviews in all the music press and the singles all made the charts. They then released a fan-club only album called "Fishing For Luckies". This contained the long, experimental songs written simultaneously with their second album, "P.H.U.Q.". After "P.H.U.Q.", the band began to have severe problems with their record label, EastWest and after two re-releases of Fishing For Luckies, (one approved by the band, the other boycotted by the band) they signed a new deal with Mushroom. This led to the release of their third album, "Endless, Nameless". This marked a new direction for the band, but many fans were unhappy with their new sound. The band planned a tour, but internal tensions led to their split before it took place. Most of the ex-members have carried on with other projects, give or take a couple of exceptions.
Their singles include TV Tan; Caffeine Bomb; Suckerpunch; If Life Is Like A Lovebank, I want an Overdraft/Geordie In Wonderland; I Wanna Go Where The People Go; Just In Lust; Sick of Drugs; Red Light, Green Light; Anthem and Urge. These all included new B-Sides, so are worth looking for, just as much as the albums.
Ex-Wildhearts include Bam, Stidi, CJ, Danny McCormack (brother of 3CR's Chris), Ginger, Ritch Battersby, Jef Streatfield, Mark Keds and Willie Dowling (live and on some studio tracks). Although never a member, Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad, Ocean Machine, Vai etc.) did help the band out when CJ left the band.
The bands linked directly to the Wildhearts are Dogs d'Amour (Bam), the Jellys (Stidi and CJ), the Yo-Yos (Danny), Honeycrack (CJ and Willie Dowling), Senseless Things (Mark Keds), Jolt (Mark Keds), Sugar Plum Fairies (Willie Dowling), Three Colours Red (Danny's brother's band), Clam Abuse (Ginger's new thing).

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