Quarters Drinking Game - Hatfield Rules
Created | Updated Jul 19, 2002
This is a mildly complicated game with some strage rules which can result in getting very drunk very quick if you havent played before, but drinking being the whole point of the game it doesnt matter.
What you need:-
3 shot glasses
2 english ten pence coins
a table
lots of beer (lots!)
Purchase a large quantity of beer, a few cases (5) will suffice for a reasonable length game with six players but you will not believe how quick the beer goes once the game hits full swing.
Fill two shot glasses with beer and place them near the middle of the table and place the other (empty) glass in the middle of the table.
What you have to do:-
The aim of the game is to bounce the coin off of the table and make it land in the glass.
Shooting Rules
Each player has a maximum of two attempts at getting the coin in the glass.
A sucessful first shot into the glass results in no forfeit and the coin moving round to the next player (clockwise/anticlockwise you decide)
Missing means either taking the forfeit like a man and downing one of the shots or trying again.
If you try again and succeed the coin passes around as usual, if you fail however you must down both shots.
All players should be sitting around the table, anyone not sitting at the table is not allowed to participate in the game in any way other than fetching more beer for the players. (This happens a lot so find a tee totaller)
So far you may be thinking that sounds a little dull and youd be right, the beauty of this version of the game however is in the additional rules that have nothing to do with the coin bouncing.
There are many ways to fall foul of a forfeit in this game, here are the ones i can remember:-
One Drink forfeits
- Players as defined above are not allowed to say the name of any other player whilst sitting at the table.
- Players are not allowed to obviously point at any other player.
- Players are not allowed to swear in any way, shape or form (hand signals included)
- If the coin leaves the table when bounced you must down a shot.
- If a player places his index finger on the tip of his nose, so must the other players within a couple of seconds, anyone who doesnt gets a forfeit.
Two Drink forfeits
If the coin when bounced lands in one of the full shot glasses, both must be downed.
On top of all these forfeits is the most painful fact that the forfeits are cumulative.
e.g. a player lands the coin in one of the full glass, another player points at the hapless player and says "(insert name) you *expletive* you *expletive* that right up!"
This tirade would result in the offender having to down 4 shots of beer in quick succession.
You are allowed to say the name of a non player but only to ask them for more booze.
And there you have the rules.
If like me you like a drink every now and then, it has probably occurred to you that if you are a crack shot with the coin and never miss and dont swear/point/etc. you would never get a drink. WHile this is the case, you can beat this by deliberately messing up when you fancy a drink. Dont do this too often though as your fellow players will notice and you will probably get ejected from the game.
I hope you decide to try this game as it is great as a warmup for a student night out as it is cheap and mostly good humoured.