The Art of Pedestri'squish (R.C.P.A)
Created | Updated Nov 9, 2002
What You Will Need
a) A car (preferably a cheap, battered one with the license plates missing)
b) A huge car park with a one way system
c) Lots of pedestrians scattered about the place
d) A blindfold
e) Team mates:
The "Steerer" - the person behind the wheel blindfold.
The "Navigator" - the person directing the "Steerer", who must know their left from their right.
The "Twonk" - the person strapped to the roof rack, for amusment value only. This person does not improve fuel consumption.
What Not To Do
Dont ever actually kill people. That is not the object of this game. And killing is bad, mostly cos you get arrested and become doomed to a life of communal showering, eventually to be released and live out of a dumpster for the rest of your days. Its not pretty, dont do it!