
2 Conversations

Every car manufacturer comes daily with a new gimmick to provide more safety to passengers, these include airbags (door mounted, in the steering column, in the dash), ABS, TCS, EPS, SCS, night vision and so on . Do you feel bewildered when you see these terms? These devices may save one from the accident or provide safety during the crash. Even after such advancements the number of accidental fatalities are rising; one possible cause may be the ever increasing number of cars. The increase on the other hand in the performance both in the terms of the power and the speed has increased the average relative speed of impacts. Today crashes are becoming more devastating than before . People generally think that due to these so called safety devices, their ride is becoming safer but they are being fooled by the automotive manufacturer’s tall claims.
The human body’s reaction time is of a typical hunter species which more or less depends on the maximum speed at which one can run. Now one can compare this time with the speed at which we drive. Lets say if one is driving at 5 times the speed at which an average human can run, at this speed unfortunately his reaction time does not decrease to the one-fifth. More over the copassengers do every thing possible to distract the driver by constantly talking to him. Even when we drive alone, our mind is full of all kinds of thoughts, worries, tensions, fatigue of whole day’s work and driving etc. and the major ingredient in the whole process the urgency in our mind to reach the destination.
One and the only way to stop accidents is to take away the steering from the hands of Homo Sapiens and give it to someone who is fast to respond, who carries no worries or tension in his mind , who will not indulge in the meaning less chatter during driving , and will not get easily fatigued, estimation is correct. Who can he be? I think you have now figured it out that the driver of the new era will have the mind made of silicon, no points to those who still have not figured it out.

Rohit Handa ( etymologist )

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