Lessons in Malaysia

1 Conversation

The lessons one learns in Asia are significant and important, but only if one learns them. Too many non residents find themselves comparing that which exist here (I am of course in Malaysia now), and that which occurs in their own country, concluding, without justification, that all is rotten. Like all countries, there are the good and the bad. Strangely enough, the good stems from people, the bad from people as well.
The people are varied but there are many many wonderful and interesting souls here. We recently visited Pulau Tioman and met a wise man. We met him as we were walking along the beach. In truth, it was difficult not to take notice of this man. Here was a person, cooking something on an open fire, next to his tent. He had long hair and single toned brown skin. Very muscular and fit looking. We especially liked his bamboo recliner which appeared to be hand made. In front was the clear blue ocean, above, the coconut trees whispering. We discovered a wisdom seeker. Much had obviously passed in his life and he had learnt a great deal. His gift to us was the reminder of who we are. He told us that all one needs is clean air. We cannt live without air for longer than 5 minutes, without water for longer than a few days, and without food for longer than a few weeks. When putting time into perspective, one must not get too caught up on the non essentials. There are places where there is time to think, and to consider and to be free. Even in Asia. Malek was his name and I thank him for his insight.
There was an insight of another sort that arose from the same Island. In many countries in this region, publicly paid bodies control almost all commodities, including the land and the people. A power structure exists, almost in the fuedal form. Do not go the way of disparaging this. It is another model for structure and hence should be considered as that. My advice to travellers is not to buy your holidays from these public bodies (namely tourism boards etc etc). They raise the cost to support their unweildy consumption. Not all of these bodies are obvious but one may detect them by comparing the state of their offices and technology, to the ones just down the road that appears to be significantly poorer or less well equiped. They also tend to be in the more modern government buildings (such as JOTIC in Johore). Go for the lesser ones, you help the locals, pay less, and can see things that one does not see as it is usually obstructed by the bulk of one of these agencies. You see what they want you to see in these places.

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