Split Enz - Life Outside The House

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A jamming session
While Neil Finn made megabucks with Crowded House, he cut his recording and performing teeth with his brother Tim in one of New Zealand's premier rock bands (and the first to garner international success), Split Enz.


Formed in 1972, Split Enz were a zany bunch of KIwi individualists arguably more renowned for their outlanndish stage costumes (designed by resident spoon specialist Noel Crombie) and anarchic antics than for their quirky music.

They recorded their debut album, "Mental Notes", in 1975, which displayed an arty and eclectic mix of styles.

The original lead guitarist and co-founder, Phil Judd, disillusioned with audiences and touring, went his separate way during a tour in the mid-Seventies and Tim roped in younger sibling Neil.


They released the "Dizrythmia" album showcasing his already-apparent talents in 1977.
Its opener, "My Mistake", was their first Top 20 hit in the Anitpodes but in England, with its punk explosion, they came across as one of the despised progressive rock bands and neither album nor single fared well.

In 1978, they released the disappointing "Frenzy" album and a single, the rocking "I See Red", the latter charting well in Australasia.

They followed this the following year with the far more satisfying "True Colours", featuring the Neil-penned single"I Got You". Both were succesful, predictable chatbusters in Australia and New Zealand, platinum in Canada and performing respectably in the U.K. and U.S.

In fact, their success at this time was such that, on their 1981 American tour, they got equal billing with Tom Petty and his band.

Following a break from their intensive touring schedule, they re-grouped to record "Time and Tide", regarded as their most personal and artistically-creative album to date. MTV, doting as it did on new wavers, gave heavy exposure to "Dirty Creature" and "Six Months In A Leaky Boat". Aunty Beeb, however, for reasons best known to herself, banned the latter.


Up to this point, Tim Finn had been responsible for the bulk of the songwriting duties. In 1983, he sidestepped Split Enz to release a solo gem, "Escapade" with its "Fraction Too Much Friction" single.

Upon returning for the "Conflicting Emotions" album, he found not only a new drummer - Paul Hester - and a band that had lost much of its breakneck impetus but also that Little Brother had written most of the songs on the set.

Perhaps this was just as well, as he soon announced his imminent departure. Now in the lead role, Neil gathered the band for a last hurrah, the patchy "See Ya Round"

Split Enz were dissolved in 1985 but Neil remained teamed with Paul; the rest, as they say, is history.

Follow this link to find out more about Crowded House:
Crowded House


In 1996, Tim and Neil undertook a major New Zealand tour backed up by none other than the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and the National Youth Orchestra!

Set up by Enz keyboards player Eddie Rayner, it also involved another Kiwi rock legend, Dave Dobbyn, chanteuse Annie Crummer and popular poet Sam Hunt. The concerts received rave reviews and were well received by appreciative audiences everywhere.

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