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The Biro, at first glance, appears to be a most useful tool; easily portable, cheep and easy to use. However my researches have uncovered the true nature of this seemingly mundane item and the truth is thus:

If you doubt this truth try the following experiment:
* Buy two biros
* Place the biros in an old cup/pot beside the phone and/or in the kitchen
* Wait a week
* REALLY need a biro
* Try to find a biro
You see my point? The little blighters have scarpered!
The loss to society is immense. Recent Department of Guesswork figures show that the time spent searching for rogue biros costs British Industry around £2 billion a year, that's around 0.75 Man United players!
Attempts have been made to rectify this crisis. In the 80s and early 90s a concerted effort was made by certain areas of society to tether biros to the necks of users (who often wore shell-suits to guard against biro-telepathy) . This vallient effort was sadly foiled by the biros eminating telepathic commands to the wearers freinds and collegues, forcing them to say things such as "What a Dork!" or "Doesn't that get in the way when you go for a pee?", driving the wearers of biro-tethers into social exile.
(Skip to the end of this article The Guide seems to want toprint it twice)

If you doubt this truth try the following experiment:
* Buy two biros
* Place the biros in an old cup/pot beside the phone and/or in the kitchen
* Wait a week
* REALLY need a biro
* Try to find a biro
You see my point? The little blighters have scarpered!
The loss to society is immense. Recent Department of Guesswork figures show that the time spent searching for rogue biros costs British Industry around £2 billion a year, that's around 0.75 Man United players!
Attempts have been made to rectify this crisis. In the 80s and early 90s a concerted effort was made by certain areas of society to tether biros to the necks of users (who often wore shell-suits to guard against biro-telepathy) . This vallient effort was sadly foiled by the biros eminating telepathic commands to the wearers freinds and collegues, forcing them to say things such as "What a Dork!" or "Doesn't that get in the way when you go for a pee?", driving the wearers of biro-tethers into social exile.

*(Where The Bloody Hell Is That Pen)

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