Free Fax Numbers

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companys who advertise free fax numbers are really asking for it.

You may have seen those airport fax machine booth things..

Starting to make a connection?

You will need:

A free fax number of a company you dislike for some reason.

A fax booth

A sheet of A4 paper

A strip of sellotape.

A wide marker pen.

A witty comment

A plane to catch far far away.

in case you can't figure out what to do next, you type in the free fax number, insert your paper with witty comment, then when the paper is half way through, you tape the top to the bottom, creating an endless loop, which theoretically will appear on the other fax machine as thousands of copies of your witty comment.

best done at night.

I'm sure there are reasons why this wouldn't work, I've never tried it, but its something to consider :)

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