Crazed Christmas

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Father Christmas, aka Santa Claus, in his grotto.

The  Post
Christmas  Poetry  Competition   2010

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Crazed Christmas by Bluebottle

Whenever I hear the popular version of 'Jingle Bells'

I always wonder why it's Batman who smells.

Surely for a Christmas song it would make more sense

For Santa to be behind the unpleasant fragrance?

And as for the three kings, who of Orient are

Why don't they all travel with the one in the car?

Instead there's one in a taxi as well as one on a scooter,

This isn't environmentally friendly – each one's a polluter.

In 'The Night Before Christmas', the words 'not even a Mouse'

Implies it is common for mice to be found in that House

So, although at meeting St Nicholas I would feel some elation

I'd worry far more about living in the midst of a rodent infestation.

Hark now hear the Angels sing, listen to what they say;

That Man will live forever more, and woman has oil of Ulay.

smiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastree

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