The Turning of the Sun

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Christmas carol singers

The  Post
Christmas  Poetry  Competition   2010

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

The Turning of the Sun by Dmitri Gheorgheni

Long-nighted December brings shivers deep in the bone.

Fear of want and cold makes us greedy,

Loneliness makes us brusque.

We look out our windows with mistrust,

And we hesitate to turn on the television.

Some fool is going to tell us cheer up.

December memory is too sharp:

Its losses cut like a knife.

Our summer dead retain a pleasant glow,

But winter spectres chill the blood.

Deck the halls, my eye.

The wayward tune stabs to the heart.

Go away, you carollers.

No angels wanted here.

But wait...

Isn't that the sense of it all?

Do we not know what we need

When snow falls and things die

And all of us need shelter, shelter

For body, mind, and heart?

Let the carols play.

Dispense the cheer.

Let the heart recall the dear moment, painful though it be.

This is the meaning of the solstice:

Light the fire, remember,

The sunlight will return.

smiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastree

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The Post Christmas Competitions 2010

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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