
1 Conversation

a skateboard is a wonderus thing...
not only is it a clean/green form of transport
it will keep you in shape, provide you with hours of fun
and also doubles up as a trolly when you have to move stuff
the actual skateboard consists of the deck (the wooden top)usualy made of maple
the trucks (the axel's or the bits the weels screw onto.)
your weels (4 of them each with 2 sets of bearings securly fastend to your trucks)
and thats about it...
ok there are a few bits and bobs (kingpins,rubbers,etc but hey..)

however it would seem that some folks think that anyone
who rides a skateboard is ether
(a) mentaly challenged in some way
(b) a thug
(c) a vandal
(d) a bum
(e) all of the abouve

why this should be the case i dont know
to bring back a slogan from the past
"skateboarding is not a crime"
in fact it could be seen as the fountain of youth...
it keeps you young active and energised!
there is always a fair old chance that it could put you
in hospital too (i have seen some verry nasty slams)
but thats part of the fun ...
nothing elce you ever do will compare with the feeling you
get from riding a stick...
everyone should try it but rember the main point of
sk8in is to have fun!
at the end of the day thats all that counts
dont feel bad if when you get to your local sk8 spot
there are guys there rippin it up and you can only just
stand up on your stick.
everyone from tony hawk to the kid down the road
had to learn how to ride there stick and probibly ate
a good deal of cement in the prosess they wont tease
and laugh at you they are more lightly to offer you advice!
so get a stick and go have fun you wont regret it.
have fun!

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