dishcloth chicken

1 Conversation

ok, so this is how to make a dishcloth into a chicken (hopefully, if u do it right!)

1) Roll up the longest sides of the dishcloth so that they meet in the middle.

2) Fold this in half so that the rolled bits are on the outside.

3) U should now have one folded end and another end with 4 ends of the roll. @@/@@ (in a square)

Pull the centre part of each of these rolled bit out as far as u can.

4) pinch these pulled out bits together with your finger and thumb, one side on each hand (so that the straight edges u can see between the rolls run from one hand to the other and pull hard in opp directions. @@/@@ = 12/34 so pinch 1&3, 2&4 and pull!

A bit complicated to describe but have a go and see what happens. Of course u may think the end result doesn't look anything like a chicken but u have either done it very wrong or else the dishcloth is to blame!!!! use your imagination if necessary! But if done right it does look like a chicken, (the kind u cook bare in mind) honest! :-)

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