dishcloth chicken
Created | Updated Jul 7, 2002
1) Roll up the longest sides of the dishcloth so that they meet in the middle.
2) Fold this in half so that the rolled bits are on the outside.
3) U should now have one folded end and another end with 4 ends of the roll. @@/@@ (in a square)
Pull the centre part of each of these rolled bit out as far as u can.
4) pinch these pulled out bits together with your finger and thumb, one side on each hand (so that the straight edges u can see between the rolls run from one hand to the other and pull hard in opp directions. @@/@@ = 12/34 so pinch 1&3, 2&4 and pull!
A bit complicated to describe but have a go and see what happens. Of course u may think the end result doesn't look anything like a chicken but u have either done it very wrong or else the dishcloth is to blame!!!! use your imagination if necessary! But if done right it does look like a chicken, (the kind u cook bare in mind) honest! :-)