Created | Updated Jul 7, 2002
Field Researcher: Trygve
Department: The Universe
Faculty: Science
Start Date: 7th Juli 2002
End Date: 30th Juli 2002
Assisting Sub Editor:
1)Geographic facts.
2)Economic facts.
Norway is described by most people on the planet of which is it located that it is beautifull, wonderfull Fjords, and mountains. And not to mention the variaty of people you may or my not meet there.
Geographical facts:
Location: Europe.
Area: 386 795km2 (without: Svalbard and Jan Mayen)
Captial city: Oslo.
Higest mountain: Galløpiggen.
Borders to: Sweden, Finnland, Russia.
Norway has varaiaty in its landscape, there are open plains and there are mountain chanins, alltough the landscape is mainly hills and vallys.
The climate is cold, on winter days the tempreature is about –15celcius, but in varies from place to place but seldom drops belove -30, in the summer time, you can expect warm days in the sun at a tempeature roughly arount 25celsius and rising (thank you global warming)