Geek Code

2 Conversations

Geek Code, aka. "Code of the Geeks." A series of letters and numbers used by geeks to define their personality, appearance and opinions. A sample "Geek code block" looks like this:

Version: 3.1
GED/J d-- s:++>: a- C++(++++)$ ULUO++ P+>+++ L++ !E---- W+(---) N+++
o+ K+++ w+(---) O- M+$>++ V-- PS++(+++)>$ PE++(+)>$ Y++ PGP++ t- 5+++
X++ R+++>$ tv+ b+ DI+++ D+++ G+++++>$ e++$>++++ h r-- y+**

The Geek Code is defined at


The format is a parody of the output produced by the encryption program "PGP." Within the Geek Code Block there is a line specifying the version of Geek Code being used. The next line starts with the letter G (for Geek) followed by the Geek's occupation(s). In this case, the Geek is a Geek of Education and a Geek of Jurispudence (Law). A full list of types is available at


The rest of the block is made of a series of letters. Although some categories have special syntax, generally each category is followed by a series of + or - signs showing how much the geek agrees or disagrees with the category. For example, t+++ indicates a geek who thinks this about Star Trek:

"I know all about warp field dynamics and the principles behind the transporter. I have memorized the TECH manual. I speak Klingon. I go to cons with Vulcan ears on."

On the other hand, someone who puts r--- in their block feels the following way about relationships:

I'm beginning to think that I'm a leper or something, the way people avoid me like the plague.


The meaning of each category can be changed in subtle or not-so-subtle ways using punctuation marks as modifiers.

  • @: An @ sign after a category means that the geek's feelings on this category are not very rigid and can change with time.
  • (): If a category has + or - signs in brackets, this means that the geek's feelings on this category can range from that which is stated outside the bracket to that which is stated inside the bracket.
  • <: A category with > in it means that the geek is currently in the state on the left of the arrow, but striving to achieve the state on the right of the arrow.
  • $: The geek is being paid for this.
  • ?: The geek doesn't know anything about this category.
  • !: Placed before the category, represents a refusal on the part of the geek to be categorised by this criterion.


Of course the only real way to read or write Geek Code is by hand. Some mortals feel they have more important things in their life, like changing that r--- to a happier state, so Joe Reiss wrote an Ungeeker for us to use.

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