Haunted House

3 Conversations

Haunted House

The Idea

Haunted House is a h2g2 group for people who enjoy conversation. The idea is that people join the group then go around h2g2 randomly, perhaps seaching for particular common names, typing in a random user number, or something of the sort. When hey find someone's personal space who have an introduction they post a message to try and start a conversation with that person.

The point of this is to give people on h2g2 more personalised conversation and it is especially to get people who aren't that involved on h2g2 and are not involved in many conversations more involved by speaking to them on their personal space.

This group is called Hanted House as it is trying to find the ghosts on h2g2 who don't get involved much and get them more involved.



To volunteer to join, please post a message at the bottom of this page. Also, please discuss how the group could be involved, if people are responding, and also invite other members to get involvd with some of the convos you have started so that large conversations can start with people on their personal spaces.

Thanks to all who join this group!

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