a novel in one sentence

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Often when I find myself daydreaming , or waiting for a bus , I can't help but think of an article I read in some magazine years ago.
In that article , a brilliant author ( I believe it was F. Scott Fitzgerald) was recognised as such because he could write a novel in one sentence : "Baby shoes for sale , never been used ".
There was also the bad example : some romance writer thought he could write a novel in three words : "I love you" .
Now , when for instance the bus is not willing to show up or work gets particularly boring , I try to write a novel in five or six words myself . This is actually a very satisfying activity - the right words can conjure up an unwritten masterpiece (As is obviously not the case with "F**k I've missed the bus" ).
A photograph can say more than a thousand words , but one sentence can tell a thousand stories , so why not have a go yourself ?

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