Some people have questioned the reason behind the cultivation of Stallaktik Gallaktites and have generally come up with the answer that there is no apperent reason why they were cultivated in the first place. This has lead to other questions such as: "What is a Stallaktik Gallaktite?", "What is it's purpose?", "How do I eat one?" and, the very famouse question, "Why are these plant/spike like things so important that they may be capitilized and my honourable name may not?". These are all very good questions, but, sadly, they all miss the point. The Stallaktik Gallaktite was invented about three days ago by a man named Doris who was formerly a hair dresser and worked in a medium sized boomerang-shaped city that had many trees and a building remarkably resembling a tall plus sign called 'Thuh Plaz Vil M'ree'. There is some debate as to whether the Stallaktik Gallaktite was invented to ward off the Frangkaffonez who constantly pestered their counterparts, the Anglaffonez, to seperate the province they lived in from the rest of the country (the Frangkaffonez had already tried to seperate by a general Refr'rendum a few times but had failed both times) or a plant that could thrive in said city's harsh winters that it's citizens (the Munchree'aallers) so bitterly complained about. However, Doris has declined to comment saying quote: "I decline to comment". The new plant shall be grown first in his secret laboratory (which may or may not exist) located at 42 Grovenr Avnu in Wesmount (though a bill in the primerally Frangkaffone government of the province (which both the Anglaffonez and the Frangkaffonez are fighting) declares that said city actually belongeths to the surrounding city of Munchree'aal). They will then be shipped out to a very small place in Nunavut called Alert, one; if not the Northern-most settlement in the world and to a small scientific testing station in Antarctica, well nigh to the south pole, named Amudsen-Scott, after the first two people to arrive there (in respective order). Zanzibar and Swaziland. Watery poo. Poo indeed he said. And then they were dead. Wibble Wabble. Somebody stole my arse!
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