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Author's Note: This is a transcription from my typewriter: I am in the proccess of transcribing it; it will be more complete later on.

He sat upon the rock, half in a dase. Now, yes, he had had a bit too much to drink. Ah, let's be honest, a hell of a lot too much to drink. He was overly fond of brandy. He sat there anyway, looking out to the sea. What was it's name? He couldn't remember. Where had he gotten his drinks? Oh yes, a celebration. A... a... a wedding! Yes, that was it, a wedding. But whose? The Queen Quizzabella's. She was marrying King Ferdinando. What a strang marriage it had been, right from the actual couple. Very unlikley that these two people should fall in love, let alone get married. Yet, they seamed happy together. For some reason or another. Somebody is comming
"Hello, Jellerrin." said Fazzoolla. She was a journalist.
"Is that you, Fuzz?" he said while still looking at the sea. Fuzz was his nickname for her.
They stood in silence together (he had finally gotten up to see who it was) and they were now looking at each other.
"When are we going to get married?" asked Fazzoolla.
"When I say so." responded Jellerrin.
"That's not good enough for me now. I'm not getting any younger, you know."
"I know...."

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