Ambiguesly Intangible products of the new millenium

1 Conversation

Isn't it greate what we can do with modern "Technology".

The Mobile Phone, one of our centuries greatest marvels is one of the most ambiguesly intangable product ever created.
Has every one forgotten what "Phone" means ?
I mean now the Mobile phone is also a text chatting system, a global roaming location device (Yes people can track you within a few kilometres just by testing the surrounding microwave towers for contact with SIM CARD ID {P3X4967 ETC})
It's also a photo album and it can SURF THE INTERNET!
Pretty soon (I'm Sure) we shall have a Guide Phone


but it's not just phones, look at Television, you can surf the net on that too now, I can go to my fridge for a glass of milk and answer the door 10 minutes later to collect the ordered pizza that my fridge most gratiously ordered for me.

cold day ? dont worry your mobile "Phone" can also tell your air-conditioner at home to make the house nice and cozzy when you get home.

I forgot where I was going with this didn't I ?

wait I have it, everything is turning into the same thing, pretty soon we shall have one device which does everything but untill that day comes we have to buy 10 zillion other products which need anoth 3 zillion connectors or adapters or to quote DNA "Little Dongly THingys" so that they can all sort of make something that does everything but not really because the port being used for the laser-tron-9000 has to be used also by the floor-waxer-6000 but only one can work on the port, then of cause theres port adapters and frequency disruption compensators to compensate for the disruptive frequency added to the ...ah f**k I lost it again

WE ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF !!!! ...basically


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