Upper-Crust Pizza, Pasta & Vino - Topeka, KS

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If on the off chance you happen to find yourself in Topeka, KS - why you would WANT to find yourself in Topeka, KS is a matter for a very skilled, and very, very expensive psychiatrist to work out with you - you must definately stop by and have a meal at GRAZIE.

GRAZIE is located at the corner of 5th Street and Kansas Ave in downtown Topeka, KS, it is a below-the-street restaurant (like Cheers on TV - only without the stringy bar maid, the dunce bar back or the ex-pitcher bar tender). It is very small and cozy, so small and cozy in fact that is has been, several years running now, voted "Most romantic restaurant in Topeka, KS".

From the antique tin roof covering, to the garden-like atmosphere around their booths with candles on the tables and wine bottles suspended from the ceiling, GRAZIE is a very unique place to dine. Upon entering, you'll be met by a plethora of great smells eminating from the kitchen.

Their menu contains pizza (the 'Kenzie' and the 'Papas Favorite' are the best ones on the menu), pasta (my personal favorite is the Pasta Jambalaya) and salads. They have a wide variety of wines and domestic (U.S.) and imported beers. Oh, and all meals come with an endless supply of their World Famous(okay so when I say 'world' read 'locally') focaccia bread!

The staff is the most friendly I have had the pleasure to interact with in recent years. The entire atmosphere is rather laid back and very relaxed and enjoyable.

The pricing is reasonable as there are very few menu items over US$10. Their website is http://www.grazies.com

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