Back-up of user page
Created | Updated Jul 3, 2002
<P><H3><FONT COLOR="FF9900">Welcome to the page of a flamenco fan!</FONT></H3></P>
<H3><I><FONT COLOR="0066FF">Flamenco bailaora</FONT></I> proprietress of</H3>
<H2><LINK H2G2="A399855"><FONT COLOR="red">Flamenco Tablao</FONT></LINK></H2>
<LINK H2G2="A399855"><PICTURE SRC="" ALIGN="LEFT" />
<P>I am the Muse of <i><b><font color="red">Flame</font></b>nco Dance</i>.<BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A420661"><FONT COLOR="FF9900"><B>My Other House is a Musehome</B></FONT></LINK></P>
<P>I am also the Patron Saint of <font color="gold"><b><i>Duende</i></b></font> - the spirit of Flamenco.<BR/>
You will find it everywhere, though, as it appears in all forms of live performances expressing genuine feelings, separating mere talent from genius.<br/>
Meet the <LINK H2G2="A467606">h2g2 Guardian Angels</LINK></P>
<HEADER><b><i><font color="red">Flamenco!</font></i></b></HEADER>
<P>I love the music, the singing, and - most of all - the dancing</P>
<P>I have been taking flamenco dancing lessons for 7 years now, and it works like a drug - I just want more and more and more...</P>
<P>I'll replace this picture with a RL photo of myself flamenco-dancing, once I manage to get my hands on one that I'm happy with... and once we figure out how we will be allowed to insert pictures of our own choice...