Light and the Lone Star

1 Conversation

Saturday Morning - Birmingham - earlier than should exist on a Saturday, a lift to the airport is offered and accepted just to hear the drivers stories of all the near misses the driver has had and how bad they are at finding their way round this place. Was this an auspicious start to the holiday?

Having arrived at the airport in plenty of time the departures board in the bearer of bad news - the flight is delayed, on checking in the news that an extra hour in bed would have been possible is shared. A familiar voice discusses the implications - a colleague from work - is it not possible to go on holiday without work being everywhere I turn? Good news at last - she is only there seeing someone off - her daughter is on my flight but we are not checked in next to each other.

Birmingham Airport - how to fill the three hours before departure - examine every shop, twice, buy the papers and read them all, breakfast and best of all people watch :-)

The plane eventually takes off - and we are on our way. Newark. Planned Transfer time should have been three hours - its now less than 25 minutes, no time to check. Off the plane, bus to the terminal, collect baggage, <run> to customs, queue, queue some more, clear customs, report to transfers, queue some more, watch people queue jump, they laugh and say that I could try but it takes 15 minutes to get to the gate but they will phone. <run>, train, <run>, need to go through security again - they want to check my baggage as the machine is broken, open case, close case, <run> <run>, <run> (gate long way away), get to gate. Closed. Door opened. Knock on aeroplane door (yes literally) doors open, taken to seat - where can the suitcase go. Seat is window seat in only full row but apparently I have to sit there :-/ Time to relax - glad to be on the plane - not sure how would have explained to the Goshos that the reason I did not meet Mrs Gosho where I was supposed to was because well I was there just at a different time, oh and in a different airport :-/ Still he knows I never did get the hang of this time stuff!

Last of the rushing round for a whole week

Change of scenery, change of pace.

Blue Valentine (Mrs Gosho) met me at the airport and took me back to meet Dewie and Flossie. We all sat and chatted till nearly the end of Gosho's work shift. I had my first experience of a Diner, was a bit taken aback by the notice on the door saying about carrying illegal weapons and did wonder for a moment where on earth Mrs G was taking me ...

Quite a lot of caffeine and many hours after getting up I finally actually met Gosho. Was it worth the wait - most definitely! Oh and the shop he works in - <wow> so many CD's! While we waited for him to close up I browsed and browsed and browsed and well you get the point there were lots of CD's to look at!

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