Sluggy Freelance

1 Conversation

Nowadays, online comics are becoming increasingly popular. They're everywhere. But, there's also a downside to that. Since there are so many of them, about 75% are terrible, making the good ones that much harder to find. I'm going to recommend one for you, so you don't have to go through all that searching. The name is Sluggy Freelance, and it's written by Pete Abrams. The only weak point with this strip is that it's dependent on it's storylines, but that's also one of it's strong points. It's a weak point becuase if you come in, and read today's comic, you're not going to have the slightest idea of what's going on. Fortunately, like almost all online comics, it includes an archive, so you can start at the very beginning, which is precisely what you should do. It makes the strip more enjoyable.

Another one of the strip's strong points is that the characters are actual characters. Some of the strips out there just have a few characters that are only there to deliver the punchline, but the contrary is true with Sluggy Freelance. Where else would you find a homicidal rabbit, demons from the Dimension of Pain, or a vampire that's full of himself? Of course, then you have the main characters. Unlike alot of the online strips, the humor in this strip is not distasteful. Where other strips concetrate mainly on how funny the word fart is, Sluggy Freelance's humor has an intelligent quality that anyone can like.

Another feature that makes Sluggy Freelance stand out is the amazing artwork that makes each strip fun to look at. The characters, the scenery, the props; all brilliantly drawn. And on Sundays when Abrams does a color strip, it's just a joy to look at. Pete's strip is colored by Joe Sunday, who also takes over the strip whenever Pete is on vacation.

Sluggy Freelance is a great place to start in the world of online comics. Somehow, as link leads on to link, you discover other great comic strips. It may even inspire you to start your own online strip, with your own fanbase and everything. So start your fascination today. The sooner you start, the less you have to read.

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