Personal Space FAQs

Here is all the information you need to make the most of your h2g2 Personal Space. If you have any questions that you cannot find answers to on this page, then please send them to us via our Feedback pages.


  1. What is my Personal Space?

  2. What is 'About Me'?

  3. What are 'Latest Messages'?

  4. What are 'Conversations'?

  5. What are 'Subscriptions'?

  6. What are 'Entries'?

  7. What are 'Friends' and 'Followers'?

  8. What is my 'Journal'?

  9. What are 'Bookmarks'?

  10. What are 'Preferences'?

  11. How do I upload a Profile Picture?

1 What is my Personal Space?

Your Personal Space is the nerve centre of your activity on h2g2. You automatically get a Personal Space when you register with us (see our Registration and Moderation FAQs for how to do this). You can reach it by clicking on 'My Personal Space' in the top navigation bar or by clicking on your display name anywhere it appears onsite (other users can similarly view your Personal Space by clicking on your display name anywhere on the site).

Your Personal Space is the place where you can tell other users about yourself as well as keeping track of all your activity on h2g2. This information is grouped into various sections, accessible via the buttons on the Personal Space navigation bar at the top of the page or in the various boxes on your Personal Space homepage. An explanation of these sections follows.

2 What is 'About Me'?

This is where you can tell the world about yourself by writing a general introduction for visitors to your Personal Space. You can update your 'About Me' section by clicking on the EDIT button, where you will have the option of formatting what you have written using GuideML (see our Entry FAQs for an explanation of GuideML). You can, of course, leave this section empty if you wish.

3 What are 'Latest Messages'?

Anyone who visits your Personal Space can leave a message for you, and you will find these in the 'Latest Messages' box on your Personal Space homepage. This box displays the last five messages left for you, but if you have more you can view all of them by clicking on the 'Messages' button in the top navigation bar of your Personal Space page or by clicking on 'See all Latest Messages'. You can leave a message for other users by visiting their Personal Spaces and clicking on the LEAVE A MESSAGE button.

4 What are 'Conversations'?

This box on your Personal Space homepage displays the latest postings you have made to Conversations around h2g2, or any Conversations that you are subscribed to (see What are 'Subscriptions'?). For a full list of your postings click on the 'Conversations' button in the top navigation bar on your Personal Space homepage or hit 'See all Conversations'. Any new postings that you haven't yet read will be highlighted on the full Conversations page.

5 What are 'Subscriptions'?

On h2g2 you are able to subscribe to other users if you use the Brunel skin, and the 'Subscriptions' box on your Personal Space homepage is where you can see any new Entries that those users have written (a longer list appears in the 'Entry Subscriptions' box on your Subscriptions page, accessible via the top navigation bar on your Personal Space homepage). To subscribe to a user, click on their display name anywhere it appears on the site, go to their Personal Space and click on 'Subscribe to this user' in the 'Researcher Details' box. You can unsubscribe by clicking on 'Unsubscribe from this user' in the same box.

Clicking on the 'Subscriptions' button in the top navigation bar of your Personal Space homepage, or on 'See all Subscriptions' will also take you to the full Subscriptions page, which includes the following sections:

  • Entry Subscriptions: This section includes any Entries written by users you are subscribed to.

  • User Subscriptions: A list of users who you have subscribed to - any Entries that they bookmark will show up on your 'Subscribed to Users Bookmarks' section.

  • Subscribed to Users Bookmarks: A list of Entries bookmarked by Users who you've subscribed to (see What are Bookmarks?).

  • Subscribed Users: A list of users who have subscribed to you. So any Entries you subsequently bookmark will appear in their own 'Subscribed to Users Bookmarks' section on their Personal Space.

You can also subscribe to any Entries that you find interesting regardless of which skin you use, which means that you will be alerted to any new Conversations that are attached to them as they are added (for more information on subscribing to Entries see our Entry FAQs). You can also subscribe to any other Conversations you find onsite and are also automatically subscribed to any Conversations you post to, and these all appear in your 'Conversations' box and on the full Conversations page on your Personal Space.

6 What are 'Entries'?

This box lists any entries or Edited Entries you have written, collaborated on or Edited (see What are Entries? and What are Approved Entries? on our Entry FAQs page for a further explanation of these terms). The full list appears on your Entries page, accessible via the 'Entries' button on the top navigation bar on your Personal Space homepage or by clicking on 'See all Approved Entries' or 'See all Entries'.

7 What are 'Friends' and 'Followers'?

This is a list of all your h2g2 friends. To add a h2g2 user as a friend just go to their Personal Space homepage and click on the ADD TO FRIENDS button in the 'Friends' box. The 'Followers' box on your Personal Space homepage features a list of all the users who have added you as a friend.

8 What are 'Bookmarks'?

While browsing Entries or Edited Entries you can bookmark any that you wish to read later by clicking on 'Bookmark on your Personal Space'. The titles of those Entries will then appear in the 'Bookmarks' box on your Personal Space homepage. If you want to remove any bookmarks you can do so on the full Bookmarks page. Just click on the 'Bookmarks' button on the top navigation bar of your Personal Space homepage, or by clicking 'See all Bookmarks', and then click on the X next to the title of the Entry bookmark you wish to remove. You can also bookmark Forums, Review Forums and Help Pages - like this one - in the same way.

9 What is my 'Journal'?

If you want to, you can write a day-to-day journal on your Personal Space. Once journal entries are written they work in much the same way as Conversations do on the rest of the site, in so much as they are public and can be discussed by other users who wish to post to them. To write a journal entry, click on 'Journal' in the top navigation bar of your Personal Space homepage, and then click on the WRITE A JOURNAL ENTRY button on your Journal page to get started.

10 What are 'Preferences'?

When you're signed in to your h2g2 Personal Space you'll see a 'Preferences' button on your Personal Space navigation bar at the top of the page. You can do two things on your Preferences page; change your display name and select your skin.

11 How do I upload a Profile Picture?

You can't do this at the moment. Sorry.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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