New Users
Created | Updated Jun 23, 2002
I for one miss the 'Welcome Mat/h' that made it possible for us ACEs to see which newcomers that had received an 'official' welcome and which hadn't.
My suggestion is that all ACEs that are interested in participating in this project will pick a block of 10 user numbers, going from 1 to 0, starting from very recently and going back (rather than starting way back when and going forwards, because Moderation has only reached around August 2000 at the time of writing).
Start a conversation below stating which user numbers in the title, i.e. 'New Users 197061-197070' and then specify the status of these users. User numbers that are not in use would have status 'vacant'.
Blocks and current status would be listed on this page. Those of the ACEs that are looking for someone to welcome could check the users listed as 'no intro' to see if they have written any introduction, and report in the conversation for that user number if they find and ACE someone.
I'm not sure I've explained this very well, so I'll make the first posting, maybe that will show what I mean.
- U197061 - ACEd
- U197062 - no intro
- U197063 - no intro
- U197064 - no intro
- U197065 - no intro
- U197066 - no intro
- U197067 - no intro
- U197068 - no intro
- U197069 - no intro
- U197070 - no intro