Specifications of Bluetooth Technology
Created | Updated Jun 29, 2002
This is a supplemental to Bluetooth, It's Applications and Problems. This offers a very brief explanation of some of the specifications of Bluetooth Technology.
- Bluetooth radio: This is a tranceiver, which transmits modulated electric signals from peer Bluetooth devices. For reasons of compatibility, the radio should have some defined transmitter characteristics, as well as receiver characteristics. The term "baseband" refers to the physical layer of Bluetooth the purpose of which is to manage physical channels and links apart from other services such as error correction, data whitening and security.
- ACL: Asynchronous Connection-Less physical link for transmitting data over the physical channels. It provides a packet switched connection between the master and all the active slaves in the piconet.
- SCO: Synchronous Connection-Oriented physical link is involved in voice-like information services. It is a symmetric, point-to-point link between the master and a specific slave. It behaves like a circuit-switched connection.
- Link Manager: Link Manager essentially handles link set-up, security and control. The services provided by Link Manager include authentication, encryption control, power control and Quality of Service capabilities. It also manages devices in different modes (park, hold, sniff and active).
- L2CAP: This is the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer protocol. It resides in the data link layer and provides connection-less and connection-oriented data services to upper layer protocols. It has protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation and group abstractions capabilities as well. L2CAP permits higher level protocols and applications to transmit and receive L2CAP data packets up to 64 Kb in length.
- SDP: Service Discovery Protocol allows for applications to discover which services are available and to determine the characteristics of those available services.
- RFCOMM: This is a simple transport protocol, with additional provisions for emulating the 9 circuits of RS-232 (EIATIA-232-E) serial ports over L2CAP protocol. It supports up to 60 simultaneous connections between two Bluetooth devices.
- TCP/IP1: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) provides a reliable connection between devices at the transport layer with IP (Internet Protocol) in the network layer. IP provides protocol multiplexing and connections based on IP addresses.
- JINI1: Jini technology provides simple mechanisms which enable devices to plug together to form an impromptu community
- WAP1: WAP is Wireless Access Protocol is a standard for providing Internet communications and advanced telephony services on digital mobile phones, pagers, personal digital assistants and other wireless terminals.