The typing of this article:

1 Conversation

I really didn’t think that in these modern times technology can still be considered troublesome. For years now, people have worked on making computer systems compatible, so that people like me can work on the same document at different computers, saving it all to a floppy disk. But this is still very difficult at times.

Today, for example, I had emailed myself the start of this collection of articles, as I didn’t have a disk with me at the time, and had no other way of getting my work home, unless I printed it out and typed it up when I got home, which I am too lazy to do! Anyway, when it came to putting the text from the www, to my Internet linked computer, to disk, to my little black and white laptop, something went wrong.

There was the usual row after row of small squares, which always happens in the transfer from big computer to laptop, as they have different versions of Word, but the following text, which is normally intact after transfer, was punctuated, after every letter or space, with a square. This puzzled me.

I began the laborious process of key tapping, right arrow, delete, right arrow delete...but soon gave up, as I am not a naturally patient person. I then went to the ‘find and replace’ function. After being unable to find the square key, I resorted to the Ctrl + C, copying the square, then Ctrl + V -ing it into the ‘find’ box, leaving the ‘replace’ box empty. Feeling proud of my ingenuity, I clicked ‘replace all’ and waited. (The laptop is so old, it has to translate commands into Latin before it understands, or at least, that’s my theory).

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