TV's "Scrubs"

2 Conversations

You know sometimes when just by sheer chance you try watching something on telly? Something you've never heard of, or ever heard anything about? You watch it anyway, out of boredom, to pass the time or due to sheer laziness? And then it turns out to be absolutely chuffing brilliant?!?!

SCRUBS, take a bow.

It kind of crept up unannounced, did Scrubs. Many viewers probably only watched it because it was on after Buffy and Angel, and were too bone idle to change it. But lo didst they watch Scrubs, and they saw that it was good.

A lazy reviewer might would describe Scrubs as "a comedy version of ER."

Scrubs is a comedy version of ER. It follows the lives of three young interns during their first year of their careers. These young go-getters are:

JOHN 'J.D.' DORIAN: Played by Zach Braff, J.D. is the main character and narrator of the series. He's a kind of awkward, likeable guy who is often his own worst enemy. Well actually the Janitor is his worst enemy but more on that later.

CHRIS TURK: Turk is a surgical intern, and J.D.'s best buddy. They grew up together, went to medical school together and share a flat, whoops, apartment. He's a more outgoing, cocky foil to J.D.'s sheepishness. Turk is played by Donald Faison.

ELLIOT REID: She may have a bloke's name, but Elliot, played by Sarah Chalke, is all woman. And she's got the neuroses to prove it. Plus she really fancies the pants of J.D....

The cast is rounded out by the people who already work at the hospital who include:

THE JANITOR: This mysterious handyman becomes the bane of J.D.'s very existence when the erstwhile Dr Dorian makes the mistake of getting him angry on his first day. The cranky ol' Janitor is played by Neil Flynn.

DR BOB KELSO: Played by Ken Jenkins, Dr Kelso is the boss of the whole dang hospital, and proves it by being unbelievably scary wherever possible. He terrorises interns and residents alike with his hilarious put downs.

NURSE CARLA ESPINOSA: Judy Reyes is the firey Latino nurse who ends up dating and falling in love with Turk. Ahhh, ain't that nice?

DR PERRY COX: Dr Cox is played by one of those actors who you know from a bunch of films but can't think of what those films were, let alone his name. In this case, the actor is John C McGinley, who's been in 'The Rock,' 'Platoon' and, ahem 'Highlander 2: The Quickening'.

All that can be said about Dr Cox is this: thanks to McGinley and the writers, Dr Perry Cox is easily the greatest character to come out of American sitcoms since Homer Simpson. To try to explain why would be fruitless. Just watch the show and you'll get it.

So that's Scrubs in a nutshell. Quite a big nutshell I suppose, perhaps a coconut and certainly at the very least a particularly large walnut. It's great that the show has been picked up by Channel 4 because it'll give a wider audience the chance to check it out.

This show is the next big thing. Heck, Brendan Fraser, who is himself one of Hollywood's 'next big things' is even in a couple of episodes. And nary a Mummy or WWE wrestler in sight.

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