A Conversation for HooToo Reunion

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Post 41

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I still don't get why they're putting punctuation as a string of code.

smiley - geek

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Post 42

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

something to do with the two different computer languages not working together properly

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Post 43

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Surely they just need to work out what new H2G2 thinks is being said and alter the blocking peramiters to let it through. Surely it's not saving it as anything really offensive.

smiley - geek

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Post 44

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

you never know with those new filters smiley - erm

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Post 45

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

They need to publish a list of banned words, but then, someone could find it offensive and not saved they would have to change it before posting their message.smiley - winkeye

smiley - geek

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Post 46

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
what if the mods had to moderate themselves smiley - erm
some sort of enormous cosmic black-hole event

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Post 47

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

smiley - laugh

yeah, they'd probably try to post the taboo'd words and a message would pop up, telling them that the post may be found offensive smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheesecake

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Post 48



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Post 49

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I wonder if it would lock there accounts smiley - erm
smiley - laugh

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Post 50

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

yeah! then we'd all be free! free to swear and be as abusive as possible!

hey perse! i think you're... oh yeah, hypothetical scenario smiley - blush

smiley - cheesecake

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Post 51

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

smiley - yikes What did I ever do to you smiley - angel

smiley - geek

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Post 52

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

well, i havent been keeping track, but i think it's safe to say you've killed me a number of times smiley - tongueout

smiley - cheesecake

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Post 53

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Only once that I can remember...and you killed me at least once.

*shoots Inter with laser* smiley - evilgrin

And that's twice

Mwah ha ha ha

smiley - geek

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Post 54

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

*manifests laser ghost energy around his hands and shoots it at perse like a bullet*

now we're even smiley - tongueout

smiley - ghost

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Post 55

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Fine, but I get to haunt you.

smiley - ghostsmiley - geek

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Post 56

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

ha! you can't haunt a ghost! but we could always track down kipper and haunt him?

smiley - ghostsmiley - cheesecake

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Post 57

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Deal. Now, where did we leave him?

smiley - ghostsmiley - geek

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Post 58

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

i could always contact him on facebook?

smiley - ghostsmiley - cheesecake

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Post 59

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I did look to see if I could work out who he was by who you added as a friend around that time smiley - evilgrin, but it didn't go too well.

smiley - geek

I am back

Post 60

interspark- undisputed head of the PIIB

i shouldn't say, out of respect for his privacy, so i'll send the request suggestion to you on facebook smiley - ok

hey, here's a thought! if kipper's gone... does that mean that i win? that i, interspark, of laser and mind, am the new head of the Penguins Intergalactic Investigation Bureau??? smiley - wow

smiley - cheesecake

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