
1 Conversation

Yes, um that place where big birds of metal try to jump and miss the land and, therefore, fly. Yes, well, it's a nice place to meet people, isn't it? Gods and so, I mean, because that really pretty hostess doesn't seem to bother your presence. So, its a nice place to try to pick up and miss it.
The most important question about them is TIME. What's the right time to arrive to the airport? Theorically two hours before the deaparture of the flight, but so as to do that I once stayed all night awake there. The funny thing was that when the check-in desk were open, the first bus from the city had already arrived and it was an hour before my flight. Since that moment I have the strong believe that the PERFECT TIME TO ARRIVE TO THE AIRPORT is: 42.
No, it is about an hour and a quarter before your flight, because you will be, very sadly, have missed the queu to the check in desk, but you'll be with enough time to do all those nice things you need to do as joking with the custom officer, the security officer, the visa checker officer, the pilot and that funny old lady who will ask you if she can buy your part of the Duty free tobacco.
Oh, sorry, I have to go, I need to be at the airport four hours before my flight scheduled time.

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