Stylophones, and the profound and irritating lack of material available on the subject.

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Can you believe that, on this massive, massive database that is H2G2, the ultimate guide to Life, the Universe and Everything (note use of 'everything' here), there are absolutely no entries which contain the word "stylophone" at any point during the article? I guess I've just rectified that problem, but alas the only information I can offer to the hopeful researcher of things-that-go-beep-in-the-night is that any information on this historic instrument is almost totally impossible to find. For this I appologise most profusely, but I'm in the same boat here.

At my age of seventeen, I have been trying to use my highly-evolved teenage instinct for modern technology to research this irritating machine for the purposes of an A-level design project. Okay, there are a few websites which refer to it in passing - an annoying little point which has bogged down my net searches - but I have only found one site dedicated to the instrument by those who actually like it. This is a good start, but seeing as I would also like to purchase a cheap model for the purposes of dissection and, if I'm feeling particularly adventurous, for playing; I think that £300 for a collectors model seems just a tad steep.

To conclude this brief analysis, I would like to suggest to others in the same position to drop the idea right now or lose countless productive hours screaming at the inhumanity of an international computer network with millions of information sources that completely refuses to offer any assistance on what has evidently become an international taboo which only I seem brave enough to break.

P.S: If you have any information about the stylophone I can use, PLEASE tell me! Attach a comment to this page.

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