Buffets of Las Vegas

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Las Vegas has been known for many years as the mecca for gambling, entertainment and food. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of upscale restaraunts, including those owned by celebrity chefs. Those, however, are not the hallmark of the culinary world of Las Vegas. To experience the true Las Vegas eating adventure, one must find a buffet.

Buffets have come along way in the past ten years, no longer exclusively stocked with fried chicken and pea salads (although one can still find a few throwbacks). Many of the modern buffets include several different stations offering ethnic or specialty foods. At most buffets it is possible to get a large assortment of Chinese, Italian, barb-b-que, seafood, amongst others. Most now will prepare a steak while you wait at the grill or omlets for breakfast or brunch. Many Hotel/Casions have even decorated the areas around the different stations to reflect the origin of the cuisine.

Buffets run the gamit from the $2.99 dinner buffet at a small, out of the way casino to $25.00 or more for the most lavish featuring crab, lobster,lamb and perhaps caviar.

Some simple rules when dining at a Las Vegas Buffet are:

1) Never eat at a buffet that costs less than $5.95 for lunch or $9.95 for dinner. You get what you pay for and any less than that you may be paying for a horribly upset stomach.

2) Just because you put it on your plate doesn't mean that you have to eat it. Face it, although you may feel bad about wasting food with all the hungry people in the world, sometime the food is just nasty. Don't eat it.

3) Take a little of what interests you and go back for more of your favorites. It is all you can eat after all.

4) Always save room for dessert. The selection is large and if you are at a finer buffet, it's usually good. Don't fill up on meat and potatos, try the carrott cake.

5) Avoid any place that advertises a "plate o'plenty"

6) Do tip the waitress/waiter, they bring you beverages and usually clean up the empty plates giving you room for more.

7) Don't bother with the special "hawaiian buffet night" or the "Friday Seafood Buffet". The selection is seldom any better than on a regular night and the price is usually much higher.

8) Try the better Las Vegas Strip hotels rather than downtown. Some of the Hotels and Casinos in nearby Henderson are also good.

Las Vegas Buffets have come along way since I first ate at one as a child in the early 1970's. In those days a trip to the buffet ended with an evening of stomach cramps. Today, it's different. The food is sometimes wonderful and flavorful. I encourage everyone to try it at least once, for the experience if nothing else. It's another world.

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