Ozone-Medical Miracle or Health Care Fraud?

2 Conversations

Is Ozone an unpraised medical advance, or just another fantasy??

Ozone thereapy has been hailed as a safe, effective and low cost treatment of candida, cancer, skin diseases, diabetes, and heart problems.
Ozone (O3) is converted to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when it enters the body and has been proven to deactivate HIV in the laboratory.
Ozone and hyrogen peroxide therapies have not only been used for preventing PCP and AIDS related diarrhea, but there have been documented cases of HIV infected individuals becoming HIV negative.
Despite the seemingly amazing discovery of ozone therapies, they are quite a mystery to the most part of the western world. Physicians in parts of America who attempt to use these therapies are often harrassed by local medical societies and threatened with loss of liscence.

    Is the concealing of these therapies a big conspiracy relating to population control?
    Are they really a cure for AIDS or just another 'cock and bull' story?
    Why are they still considered experimental and not aproved by america's FDA?
I Have posed just a few questions about a subject even I know little about. Maybe you have some comments or questions of your own to put tot he readers... I leave it on your hands.

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