Powdered Sugar Donuts

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Here on Earth, we have white powdered sugar donuts. You can buy these in a box that contains about two to three dozen, or in small packages from vending machines that contain half a dozen.

No matter how you eat them though, they are some of the best donuts in the Western Spiral arm. They are simple little sugar donuts that are relatively cheap and have an exsquisitely pleasant taste. Some people eat them with milk, others with coffee, and still others just by themselves.

I like to have them for breakfast (not with breakfast, but for) with my coffee when I get to work in the morning. If I get my Mrs. Baird's Powdered Sugar Donuts, I generally know it will be a pretty good day.

Now here's my secret: I sometimes drop one in my scalding coffee. And since the donut is made up of almost entirely sugar, it dissolves in the coffee, and makes it sweeter. Some parts of the donut will not dissolve though, so you get a few little surprises of chunky goodness throughout the enjoyment of your coffee. This is, of course, only one of the three and a half million or so ways to eat these little treasures, but I would highly recommend it to anyone that drinks their coffee with lots of cream and lots of sugar.

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