Many Me's

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I love to dress up in "fancy dress" and I also love to have different internet personas - particularly if (and when, since my favourite server went bust) I use chatrooms.

I always found that one username (or "handle" as some people call them) wasn't enough to express the many facets of my personality - especially my particular moods. Also I liked the anominity that having a made up name allowed me to have - and the fact I could be a certain character with a specific username. When I used (now bust) "TheGlobe" website with it's many chatrooms I found myself with about five usernames at one point. Even now, if and when I use Yahoo I have about five usernames there too.

But why? And how does this link in with my love of fancy dress you may ask?

Let me describe my two favourite (and most used) handles on The Globe and the personas that go with them:

DEVILZCHIK....Glittery eyelid The woman who you don't want to make mad, "Devilz" has eyes that change colour depending upon her mood and horns that grow through her long dark hair when she is mad, accompanied by lengthing nails and the sudden appearance of a devil-esque tail. Devilz likes to play Devils Advocate too but will often wind up cybersex seekers "just for fun". A definate Dominatrix, who had a habit of running around chatrooms naked.

I have always searched for the ultimate Devilz costume, she me at my most erotic and whenever there is a Halloween party I always seek to embody her.

LOLLIPOPNIC:A woman pleased with her underwear....The mad chick who bounces around chatrooms and acts the innocent, "Lolli" is probably representative of my "Light" side to "Devilz's" "Dark" side.

Lets just say I use the force in different ways...and that force reflects my mood at the time. I just wish i could dress as Devilz more!

A smiley going through several mood changes

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